Disenchanting Mortal Curses

Divine Resonance Theory
8 min readAug 19, 2022

A Curse of Limitation

A particle physicist would probably tell you that there are currently 17 known fundamental particles, and there exists the potential to discover more. But I ask this, what are those fundamental particles made from? Quarks? And what makes up quarks? A standard reply of that question might be, “Quarks are fundamental and are not made of anything. There is nothing smaller than a quark,to which I’d ask, “How do you know? Isn’t it illogical to say something can be made from nothing? Have you decided that the universe is built upon a paradox?”

Human knowledge will always be limited. It will be limited by the time it takes to gather, it will be limited by the capacity to maintain high-resolution detailed information, and it is certainly always going to be limited by our ability to sense information. We can only see as small as the strongest microscope will allow, and can only see as far as our strongest telescope.

I suspect the case of viewing quarks is comparable to the issue of viewing the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation. They say the universe is an ellipsoid volume 93.016 billion light-years in diameter and ever expanding. I think that it’s likely that the “CMB” is just the farthest out that human technology can see, and that there probably exists something beyond the limitations that we have not yet seen. The CMB represents the limits of how big the largest thing is that humans have evidence for. The quark represents the smallest thing humans can imagine. The limits of our technology, and the limits of our senses, and the limits of our imaginations are just that, limits on us. They are not limits on the universe itself, nor its miraculous eternal nature.

I have no reason not to assume that there are no limits to size in our universe. The universe goes on infinitely in x-y-z-t-coordinates outward, and within each quark, very-well could exist an entirely infinite inward. Even as difficult to imagine as it may be.

We mortal creatures are born and we die. Our experience in this universe has a beginning and an ending. It makes sense that our conceptions of the universe always seem to also have a beginning and an ending as well. In the Christian Bible, it starts with: “In the beginning…”. Georges Lemaître is credited as “Father of The Big Bang”, a cosmologist and Catholic Priest, who originally wrote about the Big Bang in 1931. It seems illogical to a scientific mind to try and imagine a truly eternal universe. Wrapping your head around the idea of something not having a beginning nor an ending is nearly impossible. It seems to me, the only thing more impossible may be trying to wrap one’s mind around the ideas that the universe had a beginning and will also have an ending. I mean if there was a beginning, what came before that? Nothing? So the universe magically was made, something out of nothing?

Our struggle as human-beings has always been to try and conceptualize what we experience, and make useful that which we discover. However, I believe that when it comes to the biggest picture ideas, we have to be willing to allow the universe to be truly eternal, and not try to contain it within the limitations of our understanding.

A Curse of Misinformation

The legacy of “western culture” has consisted of many cycles of death and rebirth across recorded history. From the “dark ages” and the “renaissance” to “modernism” and the “postmodernism”, mankind has this way of going through periods of constructing systems of belief and behavior, and then periods of deconstruction. Across many generations, we go through phases of building time-honored tradition, and then periods of destroying tradition for the sake of progress. During the modernist phase, in my estimation taking place between the 1890’s and the 1960’s, politics, literature, design, and art exhibited that the culture was being led by people who wanted to understand and systematize the way life was, especially during the post-war period, in order to build something reliable and trustworthy. The following generations saw the period of war in which the modernist ideals were laid down as being something to change. The progressive thinking of the 19th century was reborn in the 20th with the post-modernists. Deconstructing systems became the trend across the culture. All notions of tradition, conservatism, and “the establishment” had to be overthrown. But it is a fool who throws out valuable knowledge, not understanding its value, nor its function in society. That is, unless it is your goal to destroy, and not to create.

Popular culture invented subversive sub-cultures to normalize the notions of postmodernism among the average people. Folks whose ancestors would attend church and family gatherings to find their purpose in the world were now looking to their careers and hobbies to give them meaning. Rebels without causes, and anti-patriarchal activists were the future. But without learning the lessons of the past, and without understanding the true context of your reality, you are doomed to a life of foolish pursuit. Belief in “experts” replaced real science. Peer review and critical thinking replaced actual inquiry and experimentation. Finding a published explanation for something was suddenly as valuable as proven fact. The world became a progressive plethora of scientistic achievement and rationalization. We got rid of “the truth” in favor of “my truth”. We got rid of real logic in favor of “believing the science”. Thanks to the interpretive teachings of “postmodernism” we have seen our institutions of media and academia being rewarded for focusing on “the narrative” rather than “reality”.

Argumentation among seemingly intelligent people became common place in recent decades. Identity politics corrupted all aspects of modern life, unwarranted criticism with no redemptive suggestions, unbounded entitlement, and a lack of any real authority or leadership has turned the current generation into one of moral relativism and toxic tribalistic culture wars. The demons that orchestrate the movements of the people have successfully stupefied and corrupted the people who are supposed to be building the future.

A gap in the equality of education between individuals has grown so vast that we now look at a very lost and misguided populous, led by an elite set of highly-educated individuals driven by egos that cannot possibly be managed. Thanks to technology, our people have all of the power of gods with none of the wisdom. Toxic intelligence pervades the average mind in a way that makes them smart enough to think they know something, yet not wise enough to realize they know nothing. A few billionaires and their friends are, intentionally or not, enslaving millions of people who are happy to be given a place in the world. We forsake our god-given rights as human-beings when we do not stand up and take responsibility for our world and our betterment. We cannot sit idly by and let others do it for us.

Wisdom and careful discretion, above all else, is what our people need. It is true that there are infinite possible interpretations to any finite set of things, but of course those interpretations exist in a hierarchy of likelihood and/or usefulness. So though the number of interpretations may be infinite, it is irrelevant. A very important benefit of having wisdom is the revelation of relevance in an otherwise overwhelming world.

People have been fooled into believing fundamental mistruths about our world. For example, many-worlds, string theory, Schrödinger’s cat, multi-dimensional geometry, and many other thought experiments in physics and math has fooled the average person into believing that other universes may exist. We have the MCU foolishly continuing down the multiverse path, and all it does is remove any meaning or care we had for the characters to begin with. (though no-way-home’s nostalgia did get to me).

The notion that a multiverse exists is at best a scientific thought-experiment of the “infinite interpretations” ilk. It’s illogical to suggest that just because an entire world exists that we cannot see, that it is somehow an entire separate “universe” within some larger “multiverse”. That is a replacement of the word universe with the word multiverse, as if to replace reality with something larger and calling it “super reality”. If a multiverse could logically exist (which it could not) then it would just actually expand our definition of universe, and not succeed it with a new term. The reason we say “multiverse” in stories (like the MCU) instead of just having a more complex definition of the “universe” is because we all know, deep down, that it’s made up.

The multiverse is just one example of the many bullshit theories, backed by “The Science”, that postmodernism has brought us to try and replace reality. If there are infinite universes, then there are infinite movies the MCU can make with no need for logical consistency. It’s just more products for us to throw money at with no meaning behind them.

People don’t realize (maybe you do though) that they are pawns in the war for reality. When Nietzsche said “God is dead!” it wasn’t out of excitement for the banishment of religion, it was a warning to future generations to look out for what they’ll try and replace God with.

Understand politics and philosophy. Know that they hide where you’d least expect them, and that they control you like puppet-masters. It’s your responsibility to act in accordance with what you believe is right. Figure out what that means, and live that way, consciously. Get good at arguing your position, understand why what you say matters, and don’t take anything someone else tries to sell you. Ask real questions and get real answers. There is only one reality, and it matters. It really really matters. Existence is real and reality has permanence even though your time here is short. Let’s leave it better off than how we found it.

A Curse of Malevolent Lies

Forces greater than any one person are at work with goals to misinform the people, and to lead them into the cattle pen. Ancient powers move through the world, convincing people through inception-like experiences to believe falsehoods that change the way we live our lives. Jung once said, “People don’t have ideas. Ideas have people.” I see people going through their lives thinking their thoughts are their own, whereas they were given to them from elsewhere. You must question the source of your information and always look for the deeper meaning in what you’re given.

Piece by piece, we have been convinced that meaning, truth, oneness and God are not important, and often we’re told they don’t even exist. The deconstruction of reality has gone too far. We are all out to sea with no land in sight. Perhaps if we wake up to the lies and realize the one life we have matters, we might find hope on the horizon.

The definition of evil is an interesting thing to debate, but I think without question is the notion that “Malevolence” is evil. It actively destroys truth and beauty for the sake of destroying them. If people live a lie, it can become contagious. If your vision is blocked by a nightmare, how can you ever see where you’re going? Some of us are asleep at the wheel and a nightmare is preventing us from seeing where we’re being driven. It’s time we lock evil in the basement again and stop letting it run free.

It’s time we come back to the truth, and open our eyes to reality.

“The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart — and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

