Implications of The Coming Extraterrestrial Revelation
Disclosure of the truth about other-worldly phenomena has officially begun. Gone are the days of laughing at the crazy people who say they saw a UFO (aka UAP). Now, it has been brought to light by trained professionals whose motives, knowledge, and perception is beyond the questioning of most people. There are countless videos of retired officials coming forward and breaking protocol to speak about what they witnessed in top-secret documents, and behind locked gates. I would add most of these individuals to the list of credible sources. If what they have said is true, then we have some big revelations coming that we will need to wrap our minds around.
Like most people, I accepted the fact that people were saying ‘UAPs are real’ and moved on with my day. That kind of fact shifts fundamental stones in your life, and puts you in a place of chaos, so it’s often better to be avoided. World events can only seem as interesting as your life allows them to seem. But philosophically I think we have to consider what the implications of such truths are.
Many ancient cultures have been eluding to the truth about “visitors from other worlds” since the dawn of history, but “modernity” has (mistakingly or intentionally) dismissed all ancient myths as fantasy. I think that’s part of why this all feels so weird, and unlike a Hollywood sci-fi film. Hollywood doesn’t often complicate their stories by including ancient cultures experiences with these things, possibly with the exception of “the engineers” in the Aliens series – Prometheus touched on this pretty overtly.
There are videos you can easily find where people recount real experiences of contact with extraterrestrials. Usually some sort of elite group of powerful people show up and confiscate proof of such things. The convenient consistency of this fact has allowed the public to not-take-seriously the testimonies of such individuals over the past century. Thanks to the independence made possible by the internet, such censorious behavior is no longer enough to squash the truth. The powers that be have caught onto this fact, and have (though just barely) have begun disclosing information.
Let’s skip right to talking about the elephant in the room… Intelligent alien species are among us. We aren’t sure where or when they come from, but we know they’ve been observing us for thousands of years. Many myths from many peoples of the world have ancient beliefs that their ancestors either were educated by the “gods”, or that they were created by them. It also helps their case that the most ancient architecture has the most advanced stonework on earth. For some reason, humanity lost the ability to build with perfectly precise megalithic polygonal stones, and began using inferior bricks with mortar.
They command advanced technology beyond that of humanity. They have had some level of involvement in human life as long as we have records made by humans (pre-historic petroglyphs and pictographs). It could be as hands-off as simple surveillance and studying us from a distance, but we know some of these phenomena have been interfering with human life. We have endless references in ancient mythology, records, art, and stories that talk about “gods”, “angels”, “demons”, etc… coming from the sky or sea, and interacting with people, not to mention thousands of reports of abductions.
Alien craft have been witnessed by large numbers of people all at once, and we even have records of them messing with human technology, such as shutting-down engines, nuclear reactors, and computers with no known way of being able to do so. Of course there are stories of abductions, cattle mutilations, crop circles, portals in the sky, and many other phenomena that have been attributed to alien creatures. The US military have DAILY sightings of the smaller alien craft, and have even fired upon the craft. Other militaries have been seen firing upon them as well. They are not manmade. In fact the words of one scientist, Bob Lazar, suggest that when he was ordered by a shadowy government organization to reverse-engineer the power-source of an alien craft, he suggested that it “looked like an archaeological find”.
It begs the line of questioning, “Are there beings behind these UAP? Are they intelligent machines themselves? What about all of the accounts of people seeing alien creatures? What do they want? How should we deal with them?”
There have been many accounts of people seeing small, gray-skinned aliens with large heads, big eyes, 4 fingers, and seamless skin-tight gray suits. There have also been several officials that have come out with what they claim is the truth about different types of alien species. Terms to describe these species have come up such as “The Tall-whites”, “Ebens”, “Grays”, “Reptilians”, “Annunaki”, and there has even been talk of one race of creatures indistinguishable from human-beings.
Assuming there are intelligent creatures behind the phenomena, let’s imagine what implications that might have. I’m going to try to use logic to extrapolate out what it is that could happen…
It is no wonder why the governments of the world would cover it up and allow the reputations of witnesses be destroyed. It also makes sense that they would let Hollywood make all the movies they want (mostly). If they let the public speculate and ridicule with no credible evidence other than testimony, then it naturally builds a bubble of disinformation around the whole thing, confusing everyone instead of letting them panic.
Most people wouldn’t know what to do with the information that Alien species are real, and may be among us, walking down the street, or sitting at a restaurant eating. Their minds would immediately think of Star Trek, MIB or Doctor Who, in which case, they would understand enough to know that they’re not qualified to deal with them. The majority of us would have a physiological instinct to other-worldly creatures similarly to that of a white-blood cell when it hears that there’s a foreign body in the system, “Kill it!”
If people didn’t react with a violent prejudice, they might have a foolish compassion for them as if they are lost and stranded here. Even worse, people might have the reactions some speculate our ancestors might have, and worship them as gods. Which makes sense right? We at least know they can travel near the speed of light, can do so in space, air or water, and can do so without any visible propulsion nor the effects of inertia. It stands to reason that they would hold knowledge and power beyond that of any man or woman of earth. Does that make them gods? Would they be worthy of submission or even worship from us?
One of the great things that human beings have done in the past couple millennia is develop the understanding that “God” is not the same as “gods”. It suggests that even if creatures greater than humanity exist, it does not mean that they are worthy of worship. It means there is something greater than them that is. Anything with a physical body, that needs a vehicle, and exists in a mortal or immortal way, is still definitionally not The Eternal God.
No matter what “gods” may present themselves, it’s important to remember that they are not God. They have no right to take away human rights, and it is up to us to defend our rights, just as it is when dealing with other people. If full disclosure is on the horizon, then we each have a responsibility to become even more self-sovereign. We need humans to be intelligent, resiliant, dangerous, restrained, and morally righteous.
Why aliens they have existed among us all this time, but remained in the shadows? Why educate the people piece by piece through leaks and speculation? Why let Hollywood educate us using their imaginations instead of giving us any real information? Is it just not safe?
The Nuclear Connection
Reports of UFO sightings and crashes started skyrocketing in the 40’s. I’ve even heard rumors that a UFO crashed in the Black Forest in Germany and a year or two later, we finally had breakthroughs that led to the first stable nuclear reactors. Ever since we developed nuclear powers, the UAP have shown particular interest. This lead to the atomic bomb, possibly contributed to the end of WWII, and ushered in the age of cold-wars. In recent years, nuclear nautical vessels, military facilities, and power plants have been visited by mysterious craft, and had their instruments disrupted, even going so far as to shut down a military facility using unknown interference technology.
It stands to reason that globalist leaders around the world probably not only know the truth behind the UAPs, but even may be making deals with representatives from off-world peoples.
Intentions of “the gods”
If it is true that ETs are observing us, then it stands to reason that it could also be true that there is something like a “Galactic Federation” of other species from other worlds. We are, after all, God’s creations. Why not live and trade together in peace? Ahh but that is the next question… Should we expect peace?
It also stands to reason that for them to spend time, energy, focus, and who knows what exotic resources in observing us, and to go through all the trouble of staying hidden, evading our perception, that it must be for a necessary purpose. They may be having fun playing with us silly primitive humans, and surely a “Galactic Federation” (if that is even possible) might have untold wealth and resources to invest in developing planets like ours, but nonetheless it would come at great cost to them. We should be talking about what possible reasons would be for their presence here.
Let’s ignore the possibility that the Younger Dryas Comet Impact Event was possibly an attack from the Galactic Federation that intentionally wiped out humanity to start us over again. Let us assume it really was a “natural event”. Let’s imagine that it was aliens that came to earth 13,000 years ago and helped humanity restart, bringing back language. Let’s just say there were historical alien figures behind characters like “Anu”, “Enlil”, “Quetzalcoatl”, “Thoth”, “Horus”, etc… Perhaps all “gods” and “angels” were actually advanced creatures from another world, and by “the heavens” ancient people meant “the stars”. Let’s stretch our minds to try and take “Ancient Astronaut Theory” as fact for a minute, and assume that these alien people have been watching over us this entire time. What if they have been investing in us, waiting for us to evolve our world, understandings, and technologies to the point of being able to handle the truth that’s out there? Has a ‘Galactic Federation’ been awaiting humanity to start getting our metaphysics right? Are they waiting for us to figure out the secrets of the universe on our own? Does humanity have to get down to a true metaphysic that aligns perfectly to explain reality? That way, once we come to the same understanding as them, then we can develop equivalent technology to them, and will finally be safe to commune with?
Perhaps when you are independent enough, wise enough, virtuous enough, and intelligent enough to be a part of the Galactic Federation, then you’ll naturally also have the technology and wisdom to see that investing in intelligent life, and fostering the natural development and improvement of other species is the right thing to do… The more species participating, the more diverse opinions we have, the more truth we can uncover together as a community.
True advancement requires independent, diverse, powerful thought, real contributions from members, and in order for humanity to join such ranks, we have to raise our planet to be a heaven-like place. It is the shared struggle we all have to one day be worthy of joining such a Galactic Federation. We instinctually know that in order to be worthy of our destiny, we must burn away the impure aspects of ourselves, and be better than the best we have been.
Is all of this perhaps why we have “globalists” in the most privileged corners of the world trying to create a one-world government? So they may represent us on the galactic stage? Globalism never works. You cannot orchestrate a complex system from the top-down. A bottom-up structure is how the universe is structured. All systems that try to dictate and micromanage themselves fall apart.
That’s partly why the American experiment has been so divinely inspired. Each person is their own sovereign. It’s a step in the right direction. The purpose of the government is not to rule over people, but to serve them as an arbitrator, and as a tool for helping protect the sovereignty of individuals. Humanity has progressed to finally have individual freedom while also having prosperity, peace, and technological advancement.
Perhaps the Galactic Federation only speaks to planets where people have naturally come to know the universal truths. They seek places where people have individual freedom, understanding that top-down systems don’t work. So long as members of the Federation understand that fact about the universe, then they can trust the foreign species to not try and dominate the Federation. Maybe if humanity can become virtuous and intelligent enough to know God, then maybe we’ll be able to endure the next step in our journey as a species.