The Spirit

Divine Resonance Theory
1 min readAug 23, 2022

There is no matter that is not spiritual. What others call the physical world is the spiritual world. Material and energetic, with aspects that are known, unknown, and unknowable. All things that are real have to have some physical representation at some point in the universe, whether it is seen or unseen. All things are spirit, from a stone, to a human being, animate or inert. The spirit is not only something that hides within living things. The spirit is all things. Each spirit is like a branch on the tree of eternity, made up of smaller branches. Each spirit is the cumulative identity precipitated from the coalescence of smaller spirits gathering together. Each spirit is made up of smaller spirits, infinitely downward and upward.

Think of a spirit as a cloud of physical matter, events, thoughts, feelings, and memories that occur over a long period of time across many places in the universe. A spirit is all of the impacts something has in the world. The physical body is just one small part of the impacts most things have in this world.

The spirit of a friend who is not around lives in your memory, and in your person. The universe is a network of interdependent spirits that all define one another. Thus, the world is a network of spirits, and all physical matter and energy is nested within that network.

